Monday, June 18, 2012

Can SLPL Challenge the Cricket World

Sri Lanka Premier League (SLPL) is going to held in August and lot of Cricket loving public are waiting to see how it is going to unfold in Sri Lanka.Timing of this 'Mega event' as described by SLC officials cant have a better timing to stage this tournament.
As the ICC world t20 month away and all the viewers as well as teams have a eye on this tournament.
Lot of Countries would be inerested in sending their players to this tournament as preparation to world t20.Also the every country(Players and Official) would keen to see how the Pitches and Conditions going to be In this touranment as it will be played on R Premadasa and Pallekale 2 of the 3 venues hosting the t20 world cup.
But the viewership of the tournament will depend on how many Stars going to turn up as well as quality of the cricket as we seen in recent IPL.If we go by the pitches on offer for the ODIs against Pakistan they wont be ideal for t20.but unfortunately question will be not on quality of the pitches how players will perform on these tracks.In this years IPL lot of matches have a total of 160 plus by teams which will presented a good contest.but unless SLC put some effort to make pitches better scores of 160 or 170 will be unimaginable between 2 balanced teams.
So it is interesting to see wether people would watch matches where Cris Gayle grinding a run a ball 50 and getting the team to 125.Succes of the SLPL would hang on the pitches which were presented to the players to show their talent in a format which expect to dominate by batters with some skilful bowlling..
It is important that SLC should understand the important of quality of cricket which make people watch cricket.we witness in recent ODIs a drop in Spectators at the grounds as result of poor pitches as well as poor sheduling.In Pallekale many complaints came saying Spectators didnt have transport to go to their homes after finishing the match.If the SLPL is to played in empty grounds it is mad SLC to  be Scractching there heads after the they have to ensure timing of the matches which will help Spectators to come to grounds.SLC shouldnt be carried away by timing of IPL where Matches start at 8 p.m. and sometime went till 1 a.m. it will be more wise to held matches at 6.30 or 7 p.m.
If SLC not wise enough SLPL would end making the event only interested by Players and Officials not by the public.SLC shown good sign by learning their mistake made last time by overly relying on India and this time they were (They atleast say) prepared and go on as scheduled.
There are not Official word on who are the players going to participate in the tournament..But expects lot of the Stars will be present.SLC could be more wiser by  inviting more Pakistan and Bangladesh palyers and couple of Afgan players to the tournament.rather than inviting same star cast who are seen all the t20 leagues in the world.
SLPLs future will depend on SLC themselve as they can make this event success if they Organize this Inovatingly and intelligently..SLPL can challenge the world if it has uniqueness which possesed by the national team combatting the brute by finesse..

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